Leading Solutions

UrbanNerd Consulting and SYNAQ have partnered to bring their industry leading mail security services to the market.

SYNAQ Securemail

With advanced spam and URL threat detection, 100% virus protection, Identity Threat Protection {ITP), Data Leak Prevention (DLP) and the only 100% punitive phishing protection SLA against leading banks in South Africa, SYNAQ Securemail is the ultimate line of defence in protecting businesses against spam, viruses and phishing attempts.
Delivered as an integrated cloud service and supported 24x7 by local SYNAQ engineers, your business can start to benefit from the peace of mind of having a spam, virus and phishing free inbox.

SYNAQ Linkshield

LinkShield is a premium feature that is included as part of the Securemail Premium package. LinkShield rewrites URL links contained within emails and checks for URL based phishing, ransomware and malware attacks when the mailbox user clicks on the link by highlighting whether the link is safe to visit or not
Admins will be able to track and report on these warnings presented to their employees and if or if not the recommended actions presented on the warning messages were followed.

SYNAQ Branding

With advanced real-time email banner performance reporting, click-through email notification and a simple-to-use campaign management dashboard, turning business emails into a powerful marketing platform is truly possible with SYNAQ Branding. Embed promotional banners into your daily mail, enforce company-wide email signatures and disclaimers and allow your email to grow your company brand.


Learn more about the full suite

Synaq Cloud Email

Mail Management

Synaq Archive

Synaq Continuity


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